Celebrating Anna Garrity on Women’s Day

2025-03-04T17:37:19+00:00March 6, 2025|Local News|

In honor of Women’s Day, we celebrate Anna Garrity, one of the first female lighthouse keepers on the Great Lakes. Anna was born at the New Presque Isle Lighthouse on March 29, 1872, and was the daughter of Irish immigrants, Patrick Garrity Senior and Mary Chambers. Patrick operated the Old Presque Isle Lighthouse from 1861 […]

Be Mine, Alpena: 5 Ideas to Make Your Valentine’s Day Special

2025-02-14T15:22:47+00:00February 14, 2025|Activities, Festivals & Events, Food & Drink, Inspiring Alpena, Local News, Outdoor Activities|

For some of you, Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love and happiness while eating a romantic dinner and bestowing special gifts upon your significant other. For others, it is just another day!   We are here to tell you that no matter if you are a lover or a cynic of this annual holiday […]

7 Lodging Escapes For an Alpena Winter-Wonderland Adventure

2025-02-07T16:28:10+00:00February 7, 2025|Local News|

We know summer is awesome, but so is winter and winter often misses out on the credit it deserves. We are challenging you to come to Alpena and experience a TRUE Michigan winter.  Are you up for it? The snowfall and outdoor recreation opportunities are not over yet. Here is a list of ideas to […]

Alpena Area Fresh Takes Video Contest

2025-02-28T16:28:53+00:00January 30, 2025|Local News|

Submit your Alpena area adventure footage and enter to win some cash! Open call for entries to the Annual Fresh Takes™ Video Contest, sponsored by the Alpena Area Convention and Visitors Bureau.     Put your Alpena area adventure video footage from 2023 together and submit a short video showcasing the beautiful destination of Alpena […]

10 Tips to Find Your Winter Hygge Lifestyle in Alpena

2025-01-03T16:11:47+00:00January 3, 2025|Activities, Local News, Outdoor Activities|

Hygge – pronounced “hoo-ga”, is a Danish concept that cannot be translated into a single word but encompasses the overall cozy feeling of contentment and well-being by enjoying the simple things in life. This is especially popular during the winter months when everyone seeks warm, cozy contentment!   To live hygge, think chunky knit sweaters, […]

Alpena’s Bucket List: The New Year’s Resolution Edition

2024-12-27T15:32:20+00:00December 27, 2024|Activities, Festivals & Events, Food & Drink, Inspiring Alpena, Local News, Outdoor Activities|

The new year is coming and it’s time to leave 2021 in the past along with 2020!  Whether you are a local or a tourist, a bucket list is a great way to explore your own backyard and Michigan treasures. As the official Sanctuary of the Great Lakes, Alpena is particularly full of treasures; you […]

Why Re-Tails Boutique is the Purr-Fect Holiday Shopping Spot!

2024-12-10T16:06:20+00:00December 10, 2024|Festivals & Events, Local News|

Re-Tails Boutique is the cat’s meow when it comes to all things home decor and pet-related. If you have an animal lover, a person who has everything, or a DIY’er on your shopping list, here is why Re-Tails Boutique is a holiday must! Re-Tails Boutique is a quirky, upscale resale shop and boutique based inside […]

Let it Snow! 5 Fun Things to Do After a Snowstorm in Alpena

2024-12-05T16:54:53+00:00December 5, 2024|Activities, Festivals & Events, Inspiring Alpena, Local News, Outdoor Activities|

There are so many things to do after an Alpena snowstorm, like shovel…plow…snow blow…you know, the adult stuff. Set that aside for a couple of hours of care-free fun with these MUCH better ideas, from us to you!  Do you wanna build a snowman? Yes, yes you do! Stick with the traditional approach for classic […]

15 Things We Are Thankful For in Alpena, Sanctuary of the Great Lakes

2024-11-27T14:06:17+00:00November 27, 2024|Activities, Festivals & Events, Local News, Outdoor Activities|

With Thanksgiving approaching on Thursday, this is the perfect time to reflect on our lives over the past year and be grateful for what we have, what obstacles we have overcome, and for what the future may bring us.  This Thanksgiving we wanted to share everything we are grateful for that Alpena has to offer […]

The Gales of November in Shipwreck Alley

2024-11-21T14:53:23+00:00November 21, 2024|Local News|

November is Shipwreck Month and here in Alpena: Sanctuary of the Great Lakes, there is no shortage. Alpena is home to Thunder Bay, which is known as “shipwreck alley.” It is the resting spot for over 200 shipwrecks, many of them which sunk during the month of November. In fact, it is quite common that […]

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