What’s New at Austin Brothers Beer Company?

2024-06-21T15:21:36+00:00December 3, 2020|Food & Drink, Local News|

Have you heard the latest news about Austin Brothers Beer Company, Alpena’s brewpub?  Let’s fill you in! Since the Covid19 pandemic and subsequent business shutdowns, Austin Brothers, like many other local businesses, have come up with new and creative ways to continue to serve you their famous brews and delicious eats. One of those being […]

Thunder Bay Winery Weighs in on Vineyard Sustainability and Sheep

2024-06-21T15:21:56+00:00September 17, 2020|Food & Drink, Local News|

What do wine and sheep have in common? No, this is not a pun, it’s sustainable harvesting practices of course! We caught up with Thunder Bay Winery owner/operators Jeremy and Janis Sahr to find out more about these gentle, wooly creatures and how they help around the vineyard. There’s always more going on in a […]

Get Out of the Elements and Into Your Element at These Alpena Art Workshops

2024-06-21T15:56:27+00:00February 6, 2020|Activities, Festivals & Events, Food & Drink, Inspiring Alpena, Local News|

Does the winter season have you feeling the full effects of cabin fever? Do you want to get out of the house but not into the cold? No need to brave the elements, get into your element by painting, sculpting, crafting, and meditating your way into spring! We have the cure for your cabin fever […]

10 Ideas For Winter Adventure in Alpena

2024-06-21T15:56:31+00:00January 31, 2020|Activities, Festivals & Events, Food & Drink, Local News, Outdoor Activities|

The hustle and bustle of the holidays are long over. This is the time when the full effects of a true northern Michigan winter start to wash over us, bringing feelings of cabin fever, seasonal depression, and anxiousness for spring. Try out these ideas to kick those feelings to the curb and make your winter more fulfilled […]

Rise of the Craft: Austin Brothers Beer Company

2024-06-21T15:57:47+00:00October 10, 2019|Food & Drink|

It’s no secret that craft beer is having its moment here in Michigan and we are here for it! Austin Brothers Beer Company (aka ABBC, aka Austin Brothers) in Alpena has found great success in our little northeastern corner of the state. We wanted beer and in our humble opinion, we got the best of […]

Changing the Narrative, One Scoop at a Time

2024-06-21T16:01:26+00:00November 28, 2018|Activities, Family & Kids Activities, Food & Drink, Inspiring Alpena, Local News|

When Aaron Buza and his wife Kari were approached about taking over ownership of Downtown Scoops in Alpena, they were honored and excited. Established in 2011 by Chris and Missi LeFave, Downtown Scoops has delighted local residents and visitors with their homemade waffle cones, unique flavor varieties, old-fashioned ice cream parlor feel, and friendly customer […]

10 Great Ice Cream Stops in The Sanctuary of the Great Lakes!

2024-06-21T16:04:45+00:00July 10, 2018|Activities, Food & Drink, Inspiring Alpena, Local News, Outdoor Activities|

  How do we stay cool in the Sanctuary of the Great Lakes? Beaches and ice cream of course! No matter which beach you bum or trail you travel, we’ve got you covered! Here’s a list of 10 local shops with frozen treats to keep you chill:     Birch Hill Grocery 8121 E. Grand […]

Never Skip a Beat with Alpena’s Guide to Live Music

2024-06-21T16:06:34+00:00March 1, 2018|Activities, Festivals & Events, Food & Drink, Local News|

There is power in live music. It’s relaxing, entertaining, and fun to dance to. There are many terrific places in Alpena to enjoy that sweet sound; from dive bars, to hip little restaurants, to outdoor festivals. It’s all here, so let’s get it started! Night on the Town Music Hotspots Whether you’re looking for soft […]

Wine Down in Alpena for National Wine Day

2024-06-21T16:10:16+00:00May 25, 2017|Activities, Festivals & Events, Food & Drink, Inspiring Alpena, Local News|

Another year has passed and it’s national wine day again! Our Sanctuary of the Great Lakes offers two beautiful wineries serving authentic Michigan wine right here in Alpena. Whether you prefer red, white, dry, or sweet, enjoy your glass (or bottle…we are not judging) at one of these sophisticated Alpena wineries. (Listed alphabetically) Stoney Acres […]

National Bootleggers Day and Alpena’s History

2024-06-21T16:11:09+00:00January 17, 2017|Food & Drink, Local News|

January 17 has been proclaimed as National Bootleggers Day. This date marks the birthdays of Templeton Rye Whiskey, bootlegger Al Capone, and the son of another bootlegger, Meryl Kerkhoff. The term bootlegger began in the Midwest in the 1880s when one would shove flasks of liquor in their boot tops when going to trade with […]

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